Page Contributors: Adam Green,
Year Published: 2016
Paper: A Compilation of the Full PDDL+ Language into SMT [Cashmore, M. Fox, M. Long, D. Magazzeni, D.]
SMTPlan+ is a planner for hybrid systems.
It supports all the features of PDDL+, including exogenous events and continuous processes.
SMTPlan+ provides an SMT encoding of the PDDL+ models and can handle linear domains as well as domains with nonlinear polynomial change.
SMTPlan+ Supports the following features according to Eviscerator:
Requirement | Supported? |
PDDL 1.2 | |
:strips | Yes |
:typing | Yes |
:disjunctive-preconditions | Yes |
:equality | Yes |
:existential-preconditions | Yes |
:universal-preconditions | Yes |
:conditional-effects | Not Tested |
:domain-axioms | No |
:subgoals-through-axioms | No |
:safety-constraints | No |
:open-world | No |
:quantified-preconditions | Yes |
:adl | Not Tested |
:ucpop | Not Tested |
PDDL 2.1 | |
:numeric-fluents | Yes |
:durative-actions | Yes |
:duration-inequalities | Yes |
:continuous-effects | Yes |
:negative-preconditions | Yes |
PDDL 2.2 | |
:derived-predicates | Not Tested |
:timed-initial-literals | Yes |
PDDL 3.0 | |
:constraints | No |
:preferences | No |
PDDL 3.1 | |
:action-costs | Yes |
:goal-utilities | No |
PDDL+ | |
:time | Yes |
Downloading and compiling SMTPlan+
SMTPlan+ has one of the more modern and more comprehensive set of documentation for it. The GitHub repo for SMTPlan+ can be found here. Documentation on SMTPlan+ can be found on its GitHub pages website. Additional instructions for compilation can also be found here
Additional Notes
SMTPlan+ supports polynomial continuous effects, and linear continuous effects,