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Contributors: Adam Green,


Contributing to the PDDL reference guide is similar to contributing to other open source projects. You have two options. If you’re keen to contribute to this guide a lot, drop me an email at, if you’re looking to add a single or a few pages, or minor changes, you should instead consider forking the repository, pushing the changes to your fork and filing a pull request with this repo.

TL;DR - There are two ways to contribute

  • Forking for simple additions
  • Becoming a contributor for on-going additions

Forking, Changing and Pulling

  1. You can fork the repo at any time by clicking the fork button in the top right hand corner of the repository page on github.

  2. Once you’ve forked the repo, you should clone your copy of the repo to your computer

  3. Make any changes and commit them to a branch on your fork, (you can commit to master on a fork, as this won’t affect the base repository).

  4. Return to the repository page and go to pull requests

  5. To create a pull request click “new pull request”

  6. To pull across forks, find the link labelled “compare across forks”

  7. Select your fork as the head, and the branch to which you committed your changes and select our master as the base

  8. One of our contributors has to review and approve your pull request, once this is done, they will merge it. Alternatively, if you have just minor corrections (e.g. typos), your pull request will likely be merged without review.


Contributing offers more flexibility in how quickly your corrections or additions are approved. It also gives you the ability to review other contributions and help improve them.

Contributing by writing

  1. Get contributors access by emailing or filing an issue

  2. Clone the repo to your machine

  3. Create your own branch for your changes - you will not be able to push to master directly.

  4. make your changes and push them to the repository

  5. Create a pull request, another contributor will have to verify your pull request and then commit it

Contribute by reviewing

When you are viewing/using/adding to the reference guide, make sure to double check for any outstanding pull requests from other contributors. Reviewing and approving pull requests means that quality is maintained and improved.

You can review pull requests by clicking on the pull requests tab of the repo.

Writing a comment will require you choose between approving, commenting or requesting changes to a pull request.

Requests should be checked for general accuracy, and any semantic typos i.e. typos which change the meaning. Minor corrections can be made inline by collaborators.