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OPTIC: Optimising Preferences and Time-Dependent Costs

Page Contributors: Adam Green,

tags: temporal numeric

Year Published: 2012

Paper: Temporal Planning with Preferences and Time-Dependent Continuous Costs [Benton, J. Coles, A. Coles, A.]

Preceded By: POPF

OPTIC is a temporal planner for use in problems where plan cost is determined by preferences or time-dependent goal-collection costs. Such problems arise in a range of interesting situations, from scheduling the delivery of perishable goods, to coordinating order-fulfillment activities in warehouses.


Documentation of OPTIC is an on-going area of interest and as such, documentation has been included here. This documentation is not official support documentation, but provided publicly given that it has been produced with the input of the creators of OPTIC and people who work very closely with this piece of research software.

There are two existing strands of OPTIC. OPTIC (Legacy) is the version of OPTIC currently available from KCL Planning. OPTIC+ is a rewritten version of OPTIC (sometimes referred to as rewrite). The rewritten version of OPTIC provides significant improvement on the performance of the scheduler through custom memory management. OPTIC+ is not currently publicly available.


OPTIC Supports the following features according to Eviscerator:

Requirement Supported?
:strips Yes
:typing Yes
:disjunctive-preconditions No
:equality Yes
:existential-preconditions No
:universal-preconditions Yes
:conditional-effects No
:domain-axioms No
:subgoals-through-axioms No
:safety-constraints No
:open-world No
:quantified-preconditions No
:adl No
:ucpop No
:numeric-fluents Yes
:durative-actions Yes
:duration-inequalities Yes
:continuous-effects Yes
:negative-preconditions No
:derived-predicates No
:timed-initial-literals Yes
:constraints Yes
:preferences Yes
:action-costs Yes
:goal-utilities No
:time No

Downloading and Compiling OPTIC

For more information on how to download, compile and use OPTIC, please visit the OPTIC Homepage

Additional Notes

OPTIC has support for linear continuous effects only. This is due to the nature of durative planning in which we can apply constraints over a duration, which cannot be easily verified in non-linear continuous effects.