MetricFF: The Fast Forward Planner
Page Contributors: Adam Green,
Year Published: 2003
Paper: The MetricFF Planning System: Translating “Ignoring Delete Lists” to Numeric State Variables [Hoffmann, J.]
Preceded By: FF
Metric-FF is a domain independent planning system developed by Joerg Hoffmann. The system is an extension of the FF planner to (ADL combined with) numerical state variables, more precisely to PDDL 2.1 level 2
MetricFF Supports the following features according to Eviscerator:
Requirement | Supported? |
PDDL 1.2 | |
:strips | Yes |
:typing | Yes |
:disjunctive-preconditions | No |
:equality | Yes |
:existential-preconditions | Yes |
:universal-preconditions | Yes |
:conditional-effects | Yes |
:domain-axioms | No |
:subgoals-through-axioms | No |
:safety-constraints | No |
:open-world | No |
:quantified-preconditions | Yes |
:adl | No |
:ucpop | No |
PDDL 2.1 | |
:numeric-fluents (:fluents) | Yes |
:durative-actions | No |
:duration-inequalities | No |
:continuous-effects | No |
:negative-preconditions | No |
PDDL 2.2 | |
:derived-predicates | No |
:timed-initial-literals | No |
PDDL 3.0 | |
:constraints | No |
:preferences | No |
PDDL 3.1 | |
:action-costs | No |
:goal-utilities | No |
PDDL+ | |
:time | No |
Downloading and Compiling MetricFF
For more information on how to download, compile and use MetricFF, visit its website here.